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Picturing a World

Wallace water fountains

Writers of historical fiction are susceptible to what someone called “research rapture,” elation over trivia. It may be just as well that I did not know about Wallace water fountains when I wrote Where the Light Falls or I might have gleefully included one whether it was needed or not.

A recent BBC piece on impoverished Britons in France alerted me to the existence of these public drinking fountains.  Read More 
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Congratulations, Greer Gilman!

Blog tip: Greer Gilman’s new novella, Exit, Pursued by a Bear has just gone to press and today she posted a gorgeous video of fireworks to celebrate. Hooray! For her own photos and description of last week’s extraordinary fireworks in Boston, click here. And, writers, for the kinds of things the most remarkable fantasist of our day thinks about and discusses, click here.  Read More 
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Monterey Peninsula Art Colony

Monterey was not one of the summer artists’ colonies that I had studied when news of a 2006 exhibition, Artists at Continent’s End: The Monterey Peninsula Art Colony, 1875-1907, set me wondering whether Jeanette might go there at some point in her life.  Read More 
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When I was researching summer artists’ colonies and first saw those striped socks on Robert A. M. Stevenson in Will Hicok Low’s A Chronicle of Friendships p. 209, I badly wanted to base a character on him for one of the artists at Pont Aven.  Read More 
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