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Picturing a World

Time portal

Blog post alert: This brilliant Faroe Island sweater was knitted 217 years ago, dispatched from Copenhagen, seized in 1807 by the British Royal Navy, stored in the UK, and recently brought to light when the package it was in was finally opened. You can read about it in the blog post Pristine 200-year-old sweater found in impounded parcel.

The sweater in and of itself is a joy to behold. What's even more intriguing to me is the joint Prize Papers Project, which will catalogue and digitize tens of thousands of undelivered letters and parcels that have been held in the British National Archives since they were taken by the Navy in wars from 1652 to 1815. Just think of the discoveries! the historical fiction each object might suggest! the stories inspired by behind-the-scenes maneuverings in the archives! A treasure trove just waiting.

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